
Open House 2022

Check out this awesome student artwork!

Message From Mr. Rogers:

Welcome to the Open House post for all of my art classes!

I want to express deep gratitude to my students and their families for making the best of another very challenging school year. I am amazed and inspired by the high level of work my students created this year. Thank you!

A Note on the Artwork & Participation: It is important to me that my students have ownership over their art. Students had to opt-in to letting their work be shared in the Open House videos. In the lead up to Open House, I also gave my students a chance to review these videos and alert me if their art had been accidentally left out.

Let’s check out some awesome student art!

This last video features a sampler of artwork from all my classes and serves as an Overview of the type of work we do in art class at Walter Reed Middle School: